Medicare: Whom pays first if you are still working at 65 and take Medicare
If you are still working when you turn 65, you have the option to choose to stay on your group health plan with no penalty, as long as your group plan has a qualified drug plan.
You also have the choice to Take part A and your Group Health Plan. Part A is usually free if you have worked 40 credits during your life time. You receive 1 credit every 3 months of full time work. So if you work full time for one year you can earn 4 credits. After 10 years of full time work you will have 40 credits and qualify for no cost Part A Medicare. If you want to take Medicare Part A AND Part B you will need to cancel your group work plan. For 2021 Part B "starts" at $148.50. Part B usually goes up each January a few $'s. If you are single, or married and make over certain limits you will be paying more for your Medicare Part B. When deciding how much you will pay for Part B they look at your income tax return from two years keep that in mind when deciding to move to Medicare when turning 65. I can supply the table that tells what the limits are, just respond below for a quick chat.
If you take part A and stay on your Group plan, who pays first...
* If the employer has 20 or more employees then the group plan pays first and then Medicare
* If the employer has less than 20 employees Medicare pays first and then the Group Health Plan
This should answer a few of your "burning" Medicare questions. *smile*
Kyla Beamon
Medicare Made Easy